Catalogue id.: HL002E | Catalogue id.: HL003A | Catalogue id.: HL003B |
before Tax: 0,400 € | before Tax: 0,700 € | before Tax: 0,700 € |
after Tax: 0,480 € | after Tax: 0,840 € | after Tax: 0,840 € |
Catalogue id.: HL003C | Catalogue id.: HL004C | Catalogue id.: HL004D |
before Tax: 0,850 € | before Tax: 1,150 € | before Tax: 1,150 € |
after Tax: 1,020 € | after Tax: 1,380 € | after Tax: 1,380 € |
Optimal narrow strip 625 mm | Optimal narrow strip 1000 mm | Optimal narrow strip 1250 mm |
Catalogue id.: HLOPBA | Catalogue id.: HLOPBB | Catalogue id.: HLOPBC |
before Tax: 0,780 € | before Tax: 0,980 € | before Tax: 1,370 € |
after Tax: 0,936 € | after Tax: 1,176 € | after Tax: 1,644 € |
Plastic hook on the price tag | Plastic shopping basket, size 305 x 445 x 205 mm with one handle, colour red, blue. | Plastic shopping basket, size 305 x 445 x 205 mm with one handle, colour red, blue. |
Catalogue id.: HL110 | Catalogue id.: ZC-8M | Catalogue id.: ZC-10C |
before Tax: 0,400 € | before Tax: 11,000 € | before Tax: 13,000 € |
after Tax: 0,480 € | after Tax: 13,200 € | after Tax: 15,600 € |
Unidekor SK s.r.o.
Stará Vajnorská 17
831 04 Bratislava
+421 244 451 100
+421 244 451 100
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