Catalogue id.: HL002E
Catalogue id.: HL003A
Catalogue id.: HL003B
before Tax: 0,400 €
before Tax: 0,700 €
before Tax: 0,700 €
after Tax: 0,480 €
after Tax: 0,840 €
after Tax: 0,840 €
Catalogue id.: HL003C
Catalogue id.: HL004C
Catalogue id.: HL004D
before Tax: 0,850 €
before Tax: 1,150 €
before Tax: 1,150 €
after Tax: 1,020 €
after Tax: 1,380 €
after Tax: 1,380 €
Optimal narrow strip 625 mm
Optimal narrow strip 1000 mm
Optimal narrow strip 1250 mm
Optimal narrow strip 625 mm
Optimal narrow strip 1000 mm
Optimal narrow strip 1250 mm
Catalogue id.: HLOPBA
Catalogue id.: HLOPBB
Catalogue id.: HLOPBC
before Tax: 0,780 €
before Tax: 0,980 €
before Tax: 1,370 €
after Tax: 0,936 €
after Tax: 1,176 €
after Tax: 1,644 €
Plastic hook on the price tag
Plastic shopping basket.
Plastic shopping basket.
Plastic hook on the price tag
Plastic shopping basket, size 305 x 445 x 205 mm with one handle, colour red, blue.
Plastic shopping basket, size 305 x 445 x 205 mm with one handle, colour red, blue.
Catalogue id.: HL110
Catalogue id.: ZC-8M
Catalogue id.: ZC-10C
before Tax: 0,400 €
before Tax: 11,000 €
before Tax: 13,000 €
after Tax: 0,480 €
after Tax: 13,200 €
after Tax: 15,600 €

Unidekor SK s.r.o.
Stará Vajnorská 17
831 04 Bratislava

+421 244 451 100

+421 244 451 100


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2x in Germany: Berlin - Leipzig